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Re: [idn] report of the straw poll

At 8:38 AM -0400 5/25/01, Marc Blanchet wrote:
>50 participants participated in the straw poll.
>36 participants agree with the idna-nameprep-ace orientation.
>14 participants disagree. In this group, here is a summary of the 
>suggested alternatives with the number of people in the front of 
>each line:

The WG chair didn't seem to declare "rough consensus", unfortunately. 
The poll showed one strongly-favored choice and a vast smattering of 
other choices with none having even 10% of the support. Is there a 
suggestion about how we should proceed? If the folks not supporting 
the most-desired protocol could coalesce around a single Internet 
Draft, it would be most helpful. Otherwise, there is nothing to 
compare with the strongly-favored Internet Draft.

Given that the large majority of the voters want to see IDNA, Patrik 
and I will certainly continue to work on it. Note that there is, as 
far as we can tell, almost no more work to be done; we have received 
only one substantiative comment on the draft, and that will be 
included in a new draft in the next few days. Beyond that, we need to 
pick an ACE (and the ACE Design Team should have at least a 
preliminary statement shortly), and need to finish nameprep, which at 
this point is finished other than it does not address the new 
characters added in Unicode 3.1.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium