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Re: [idn] UTF-8 / RACE

On 30 May 2001, D. J. Bernstein wrote:

> lucid@epa.secret.org writes:
> > I belive the hardest problem is upgrading the end users. Please try and
> > keep in mind that whatever the solution, the greatest pain will probably
> > be compatibility issues between the computer and the user.
> This problem is exactly what ISO 14755 is all about.
> Users should be able to type Shift-Ctrl-222E for Unicode character 222E.
> Users should be able to move the mouse on top of that character and see
> 222E CONTOUR INTEGRAL. For printouts on business cards I'd expect a
> small boxed 222E on the next line.
> ---Dan

No offense but, what planet do these users come from? and are they
hiring sysadmins on this planet? Seriously, enough users have problems
double clicking that Microsoft dropped it as a required skill for
using Windows.

I dont belive in users that can handle typing Shift-Ctrl-anything,
and I talk to them all day. I have more faith in Santa, and he is alot
easier to talk to.
