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Re: [idn] IDN WG Summary

"Brian W. Spolarich" <briansp@walid.com> wrote:

>   1. IDNA/ACE/Nameprep now and forever;
>   2. IDNA/ACE/Nameprep now and UTF-8 later (either direct, new class,
>      or EDNS);
>   3. IDNA/ACE/Nameprep now and jck's directory service later;
>   4. jck's directory service now;
>   5. UTF-8 now and forever (either direct, new class, or over EDNS).

6. Both IDNA/ACE/Nameprep and UTF-8/Nameprep now and forever, and maybe
   a directory service later in addition.

That is, a protocol may use ACE or UTF-8 or both, depending on the
needs of that protocol.  For existing protocols like DNS and email, ACE
will be easier to deploy (UTF-8 alternatives could also be developed,
though it's not clear whether they'd offer much added value).  For new
protocols UTF-8 will be simpler.  Library interfaces could be encouraged
to work with UTF-8 and/or the local charset, regardless of the encoding
on the wire.