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Re: [idn] Report from the ACE design team
Makoto San,
Thank you for your informative comments.
It appears to me that on average every third character in the proposed
Central African Syllabary will switch between one of three clusers, so
broadly, this (very young) proposal and any in the same class:
o using 2 or more distinct existing 8-bit or sub-8-bit repitoires,
o using a single 8-bit or sub-8-bit repitoire and and using the
private use area to supplement that repitoire
o both
o little or no correlation between repitiores used by sequential
should have the property you pointed out w.r.t. DUDE and larger contiguous
(super-8-bit) repitoires, e.g., marginal encoding compression.
Broadly, this is a property I've observed in more than once - as a repitoire
is constructed. Finding a set of pre-existing glyphs isn't the same thing as
creating a set of glyphs with some set of properties, e.g., order, contiguity,
The effect of disallowing private-use characters, at least in the CA Syllabary,
may be to restrict the repitoire to Latin, which probably isn't acceptable to
the interested parties, at least until the UNICODE Script WG and dependent
actors get their jobs done -- a set of subjects for a different list.
Again, thanks!