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RE: [idn] Report from the ACE design team
| Yes, but use of excessively long natural phrase domains like this is just
| misuse of what domain names should be for, in my opinion, and will be
| quickly outcompeted by more effective ways to get people to visit your
| sites and get the information or whatever else they are looking for.
The issue here is not to acheive maximum compression, but to achieve
enough compression to accomodate reasonable use. Ken's arguments are in
line with my thinking, although he does it better than I could.
As a westerner with only modest experience with CJK language issues and
speakers I hesitate to define "reasonable" here. However the examples that
some have given do not seem reasonable to me, and sound more like edge
cases. The DNS is not intended to be a registration repository for company
names, for example. Some of these new requirements may better be placed
elsewhere than IDN.
My gut feeling is that there is a diminishing return relationship between
compression and complexity, and that DUDE-02 comes fairly close, but still
to the left, of the optimum point. I would support changes to DUDE that
could provide some incremental efficiency but still retains the simplicity
of design and approach.
I haven't had an opportunity to extensively review the
reorder-before-encode approaches that have been submitted. Conceptually
this seems like a good idea, but this is something of a slippery slope and
would need to be carefully evaluated.