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Re: [idn] Reality Check

> first we need to get an ASCII-based solution out the door.

Not "out the door" so much, but one definitely needs to exists as a legacy
mode. IOW, ACE must exist in any event, but it does not need to exist as
"the solution to the problem".

> perhaps by then someone will have come up with a convincing argument
> as to why having the ability to use UTF-8 on the wire in the DNS
> protocol (and producing consistent results with ASCII queries)
> actually produces a tangible benefit that is worth the incremental
> cost.
> so far, nobody has managed to do that.

Nobody has proposed a protocol for it. I will do this soon.

The costs for embedding and managing encrypted domain names in protocols
is obviously greater than the costs for embedding and managing UTF8 domain
names. This should be so obvious that no "arguments" are needed.

Eric A. Hall                                        http://www.ehsco.com/
Internet Core Protocols          http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/coreprot/