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Re: Just send UTF-8 with nameprep (was: RE: [idn] Reality Check)

>At 19:04 01/07/17 +0200, Patrik F$BgM(Btstr$B‹N(B wrote:
>>--On 01-07-18 01.12 +0900 Martin Duerst <duerst@w3.org> wrote:
>> > Again, nameprep only is easier than nameprep+ACE.
>> > And as I have explained to Patrick, while on the registration
>> > side, 100% nameprep and nothing less is extremely important,
>> > on the application side, it's not really that important.
>>The day an online stock trader doesn't get his bid in to the broker because
>>he typed the wrong version of what according to nameprep is the wrong
>>character, you loose.
>This is just spreading FUD. No halfway serious online trader types
>in the broker address every time he trades. For that, there are
>things such as bookmarks and autocompletion.

Also it does not matter if nameprep is not applied at the client
end, the DNS server will do nameprep before comparing names - so it
will work anyway.
