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Re: [idn] opting out of SC/TC equivalence
--On 2001-09-01 17.59 +0800
<tsenglm@cc.ncu.edu.tw> wrote:
> Actually, in CJK area only library people like to use ISO 10646
> code set , at least it contains all scripts in all old books.
Not the librarians I have talked with. They like some ideas of 10646, but
they don't use it.
They use the version of GB or BIG5 (or whatever) depending on what
character they need. Further, if they write text which is supposed to be
possible to read some time from now, they choose only one character set per
text, and leave the characters which doesn't exist as "non-existing". I.e.
mixing BIG5 and GB in the same text is a bad thing.
One reason for not using 10646/Unicode is because no font exists for it.