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Re: [idn] An ignorant question about TC<-> SC

On Monday, October 29, 2001 1:30 PM, Patrik Fältström wrote:

> --On 01-10-28 19.30 -0800 "Paul Hoffman / IMC" <phoffman@imc.org> wrote:
> Paul is completely correct. The important thing is to have one well-defined
> set of rules for "equality". Given these rules, three things can happen:
>   - A registry can create well-defined rules for what can be requested
>     to be registered
>   - A registry can create well-defined rules for what goes into the
>     DNS zonefile given a registration request
>   - The dispute resolution process for a specific domain can define
>     their rules, and come up with their own practice for decision making
> What is NOT acceptable is to have rules which doesn't settle down, changes
> all the time etc.
> Just like Paul I see too many players trying to come up with engineering
> solutions to real world problems which have to do with "matching of words"
> and not "matching of identifiers" which DNS is about.

we fall into a loop. we all know the registration solution isn't a solution in fact,
there are technical issues. it can't be a advice from a engineering organize.
but we still  discuss it as a topic.

Deng xiang