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Re: [idn] Re: stringprep and unassigned code points

At 12:58 PM +0900 10/31/01, Soobok Lee wrote:
>People are familiar with case-insensitiveness in hostnames in URL.
>They often type in WWW.AOL.COM with CAPSLOCK ON inadvertantly even
>after they saw lowercased advertized hostnames and
>have been successful so far in reaching the right webhost for
>LDH ones and will be so even for future Cyrillic IDN ones.

How is this statement at all relevant to the topic being discussed? 
Are there any scripts that are being encoded in future versions of 
ISO 10646 that will be affected by CAPS LOCK?

Please note that the discussion we are having is about future 
characters and scripts being encoded *that also have nameprep 
mappings to other characters*. If future characters are included 
without any mappings, everything works just as the user would expect.

What Yves brought up is only valid if there are mappings; that will 
have to be explained better in the stringprep document.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium