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Re: [idn] proposed i18n naming rules

> > >      only those UCS characters from the "safe-set"
> > >
> > >      [version of] http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/Scripts.txt
> > 
> > q: is there mechanism for extension? is it in the ietf, or in the utc?
> Undefined in the rules. Got any ideas here?

so suppose nii quanor and co come to the ietf and the utc and say ...

	"we've got our character repitoire" (unified central african syllabics)

do we tell him "go see the utc", or do we tell him "we've got a rule, and it
is slightly more complex than `go see the utc'"?

i prefer (b), and i know that many here prefer (a).