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Re: [idn] AMC-ACE-Z has a name: Punycode

Paul Hoffman / IMC <phoffman@imc.org> wrote:

> Adam, I hope you turned in something with a different format than what
> is on your website.

Yes, I have a script that provides the boilerplate and pagination.

tedd <tedd@sperling.com> wrote:

> Is "Punycode" really the name what you want to reflect the end-result 
> of this groups work effort?

I like the name.

Note that only techies will even hear of Punycode (and Nameprep).  Most
people will speak of ACE.  The IDNA document uses the term ACE all over
the place, but the references to Punycode and Nameprep are buried in the
steps of ToASCII and ToUnicode.  ACE is what you get by applying ToASCII
(which has several steps including Nameprep and Punycode).

> Puny -- meaning of inferior size, strength, or significance; weak;
> sickly; ill

ace: a serve that an opponent fails to touch; a hole in one; a pilot who
has brought down five enemy aircraft; one who excels at something

Feel better?  :)