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[idn] rename ToUnicode?

Patrik Fältström <paf@cisco.com> wrote:

> If one is "ToASCII", then the other is either "FromASCII" or
> "ToSomethingElse" (I think...).

ToNonACE would work.

Both operations take any label as input, so it's the output that
distinguishes them, so FromWhatever doesn't make sense.

The one thing you can say about the output of ToASCII is that it's
always ASCII, so the name ToASCII makes perfect sense.

The one thing you can say about the output of ToUnicode is that it's
never an ACE (but it could be ASCII or non-ASCII), so the name UnACE or
ToNonACE would seem to be the most appropriate.

This is not a big deal.  If people still prefer ToUnicode, that's fine,
I just thought we might be able to find a name that gives the reader
better intuition about what it does.