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Re: [idn] IDN eamples for testing

Martin Duerst schrieb:
Can anybody (here or in private) tell me about operational
(or pre-operational) IDNs, preferably running http and serving
a web page at port 80?
The .nu operator supports IDNA, among other things (you also
can sent UTF-8 and various local encodings to their DNS servers).

See www.nunames.org for a list of supported example domains,
e.g. http://www.bravå.nu. Notice that they *always* send a page
back, which is a frame set whose only page refers to the real
content (if the hostname is valid). Also notice that they don't
support HTTP 1.0, and resolve all supported hosts to the same IP,
so you have to put the IDNA name also into the Host: header.


P.S. On a related issue: I was wondering whether this is proper
operation of IDNA with HTTP, i.e. whether the ToASCII version
of the host should be put into the Host: header. The obvious
alternative would be to put a MIME-encoded version of the host
name into the Host: field, but RFC 2616 is silent on whether
this is allowed or not (they say that HTTP is "MIME-like")