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[idn] draft-hoffman-rfc3454bis

	Title		: Preparation of Internationalized Strings
	Author(s)	: P. Hoffman, M. Blanchet
	Filename	: draft-hoffman-rfc3454bis-01.txt
	Pages		: 69
	Date		: 2003-10-9

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:


From the draft:

This document is a revision of RFC 3454. None of the changes affect the
protocol described in RFC 3454; that is, all implementations of RFC 3454
will be identical with implementations of the specification in this
document. The items that have changed RFC 3454 document are:

- Made clearer in section 2 and section 7 where the check for
  unassigned characters should be done, namely in step 3.

- In section 7, there was a paragraph about the goal of the requirements
  in the section. That paragraph was removed because it didn't describe
  the goal and could be misleading.

- In the last paragraph of section 7.1, "provide" was changed to

- Fixed the capitalization in the headings in Appendixes A, C, and D.

--Paul Hoffman, Director --Internet Mail Consortium