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[idn] draft-costello-rfc3492bis

	Title		: Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for
			  Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
	Author(s)	: A. Costello
	Filename	: draft-costello-rfc3492bis-00.txt
	Pages		: 0
	Date		: 2003-10-6

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:


From the draft:

This document is a revision of RFC 3492.  None of the changes alter
the protocol; that is, any correct implementation of RFC 3492 is
a correct implementation of this document, and vice-versa.  The
changes are as follows:

At the end of section 2 "Terminology", added a statement of
the assumption that all values from zero through maxint can be
represented.  RFC 3492 relied on this assumption without stating it.

In section 5 "Parameter values for Punycode", in the paragraph
following the first list of parameter values, fixed the remark about
code points D800..DFFF, which RFC 3492 claimed were not code points
at all.  Technically they are code points, but they do not occur in
any valid Unicode string.  In the same section, in the paragraph
discussing uppercase and lowercase, clarified that the restrictions
on encoder output apply only to the non-literal portion of the
encoded string.

In sections 6.2 "Decoding procedure" and 6.3 "Encoding procedure",
added statements to emphasize that overflow handling is REQUIRED,

In section 6.4 "Overflow handling", fixed the definition of maxint.
The definition in RFC 3492 was nonsense.

In the first paragraph of section 7.1 "Sample strings", clarified
the significance (or insignificance) of mixed case in the examples.

In section 9.2 "Informative references", alphabetized the
references, and updated the references to [IDNA] and [NAMEPREP].

In appendix C "Punycode sample implementation", fixed and clarified
several comments in the C code, quieted some compiler warnings
caused by implicit type conversion, and changed the interface to use
size_t rather than punycode_uint for array lengths, for consistency
with customs established by the standard C library.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium