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Re: comments on draft-larsson-v6ops-mip-scenarios-00.txt

Hi Pekka,

    Responding separately to one particular point:

on 2004-11-19 7:39 pm Pekka Savola said the following:
> This needs to be done somewhere, I think.  If two most prominent cases 
> (for example) are dealt with in separate documents, we couldn't use 
> the framework document to figure out what to do with the rest of the 
> scenarios, because the framework document didn't include sufficient 
> detail to gain common understanding on the scenarios -- so it would be 
> questionable what use the framework document would serve (except as a 
> point to be referred to say, "we are addressing scenario X").

Yes!  Bulls eye.  In the discussions around George's and Hesham's
drafts, there has been no such understanding in general by many
of those who have commented, neither of what is addressed or what
the drafts don't address.  This is what I think we need to have in
place before it even makes sense to sensibly discuss individual
problem statements, and see where they overlap and what might be
