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Re: [More] Session Mobility


James Kempf a écrit :

> Amish,
> >
> >By session mobility I am refering to all possible types of user sessions.  This
> >section in the draft certainly does not focus on one type of service, e.g. SIP
> >telephony, but applies to all Internet sessions. The draft is also worded such
> >that session mobility has to be the responsibility of the network.
> >
> >I mentioned in my previous email that session mobility "depending on the type
> of
> >service" does not need to be the responsibility of the network and multi-homing
> >could address some of the session mobility issues.
> >
> >Managing session mobility on the network would be advantageous for streaming
> >delay-sensitive data. Delay tolerant data could be better served by
> multi-homing
> >where buffering of data that arrives out-of-order and retransmissions are
> >considered acceptable (e.g. http and ftp type sessions).
> >
> >I think the requirements need to be a little flexible, such that session
> >mobility is not only the network's responsibility. Any objections?
> >
> No objections, but I still don't see a distinction here between:
> 1) Moving IP traffic, perhaps selectively  (e.g. just http and not ftp), from
> one interface to another on the same device.
> 2) Moving IP traffic, perhaps selectively, from one device to another.
> The first seems fairly straightforward to implement, and discussion about
> how is well underway in the IETF. I believe there is even a draft
> about how to move selective IP flows from one interface to another.

JMC : FYI, the draft is "Per-flow movement in MIPv6"


> The second seems fairly difficult to implement, since it requires a case
> by case examination of the application protocols. Most application
> protocols don't allow changing from one device to another, and I
> suspect there will be a fair amount of resistence on the part of
> some application protocol groups to providing support for it.
>                 jak


France Telecom R&D - DTL/SSR
Jean-Michel COMBES, Internet/Intranet Security
E-Mail : jeanmichel.combes@francetelecom.com
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