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RE: Issue with MIB compilation requirement in "AD Review of I-Ds" (http://www.ietf.org/ID-nits.html)

> Mike> It would be better if we could get the mailer service to at
> Mike> least omit the namelength-32 warnings, which IMHO are just
> Mike> annoying noise.  Thus, it would be nice if the default assumed
> Mike> by the mailer service could be "smilint -l 9 -s -i
> Mike> namelength-32".
> If there would be a document which says that the underlying SMIv2 rule
> is considered to be not important anymore, then I am happy to just
> remove this warning from smilint. (I am myself annoyed by it so I
> usually turn it off anyway. In fact, the -i option was added some time
> ago specifically to handle this case...)
> In other words, rather than spending time to write down how to tweak
> specific tools to not carefully check what is written down in the
> SMIv2 specs, I would prefer a sentence which says that there is
> consensus that this rule serves no purpose and then tools will just
> get changed.
> Does this make sense?

> /js