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RE: FW: [802.1] P802.1b/D0


Can I take your proposal for comments and forward it to the IEEE folks? I think that we do have rough consensus that the migration procedure recommended in Section 12.3 of the IEEE document is to be discouraged.

This would not be a formal liaison, or even a formal comment as the IEEE document is at its first version. I would certainly mention that the issue was discussed among the MIB experts. 

Other folks, strong objections?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: C. M. Heard [mailto:heard@pobox.com]
> Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 11:30 PM
> To: MIB Doctors (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: FW: [802.1] P802.1b/D0
> On Mon, 23 Dec 2002, Randy Presuhn wrote:
> > > From: "David T. Perkins" <dperkins@dsperkins.com>
> [ ... ]
> > > Is it
> > > 1) several different OID values being associated with the same
> > >    object type (notification type, etc)
> > 
> > yes
> > 
> > ...
> > > If it is the first, then there is a big problem. ...
> > 
> > I don't see how it's any different from the same OBJECT-TYPE
> > being registered under experimental and later being re-registered
> > somewhere else.  The experimental registration doesn't just go away.
> I agree that there is no problem (as far as the SMI is concerned) with
> taking a given set of definitions (object types, notification types,
> conformance statements, and capabilities) that are registered 
> under the
> experimental subtree and creating a new set of objects that 
> are defined
> exactly the same way (same descriptors, etc.) except for 
> being registered
> under mib-2.  However, I would NOT say that a given 
> experimental object
> is "the same object" as its mib-2 counterpart.  I would say 
> that they are
> two different objects.  That seems to be what Randy's comment below is
> saying: "different addresses refer to identical houses (which are
> nonetheless not the same house)."
> On Mon, 23 Dec 2002, Harrington, David wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Randy Presuhn [mailto:rpresuhn@bmc.com]
> [ ... ]
> > > I do think the analogy in the "migration" material in 12.3
> > > (d) isn't quite right.  One doesn't really create "a second
> > > Object Identifiervalue to identify the same object".
> > > Rather, one creates a second object whose definition is
> > > identical to the first, rather like addresses in suburbs
> > > where different addresses refer to identical houses (which
> > > are nonetheless not the same house.)
> > 
> > Your discussion verges on the philosophical. I am more interested in
> > providing IEEE mib developers some (pointers to) concrete 
> guidance of
> > mib development best practices.
> I don't think Randy's point is just a philosophical point.  I think
> the point is that the SMI provides NO WAY to register one definition
> with more than one OBJECT IDENTIFIER value, and so the "migration"
> material in 12.3 (d) is simply wrong with respect to OBJECT IDENTIFIER
> values associated with OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, 
> or AGENT-CAPABILITIES invocations.  One must instead create new
> definitions, perhaps with identical text to the old definitions, and
> register those new definitions under different OID values.
> Since IEEE comments require a specific problem description and a
> proposed remedy, let me take a stab at that.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> Problem description:
> The first sentence of the "migration" material in 12.3 (d), viz.,
>      If migration is considered desirable, there is no requirement
>      to remove the old Object Identifier values;  it is possible
>      to add a second Object Identifier value to identify the same
>      object.
> contradicts the following rule from RFC 2578, Section 3.6, that
> applies to SNMP MIBs:
> (1)  registration: the definition of a particular item is 
> registered as
>      a particular OBJECT IDENTIFIER value, and associated with a
>      particular descriptor.  After such a registration, the semantics
>      thereby associated with the value are not allowed to change, the
>      OBJECT IDENTIFIER can not be used for any other registration, and
>      the descriptor can not be changed nor associated with any other
>      registration.  The following macros result in a registration:
> The difficulty is that it is not legal for a given object definition
> to be associated with more than one object identifier value.  The
> accepted procedure is to create a new object definition with the
> essentially the same text, but residing in a different information
> module and assigned a different OBJECT IDENTIFIER value.  For example,
> when an experimental IETF MIB module registered under the experimental
> subtree is to be put on the standards track, a new MIB module with
> the same definitions would be registered under the mib-2 tree (see
> RFC 2578, Section 4).  For example, the following experimental module
>            experimental
>                    FROM SNMPv2-SMI
>            OBJECT-GROUP
>                    FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
>    sampleMib MODULE-IDENTITY
>        LAST-UPDATED "200212231930Z"  -- December 23, 2002
>            ORGANIZATION "[ ... ]"
>            CONTACT-INFO "[ ... ]"
>        DESCRIPTION "A sample experimental MIB module"
>        REVISION    "200212231930Z"  -- December 23, 2002
>        DESCRIPTION "Initial experimental version"
>        ::= { experimental YYY } -- replace YYY with 
> IANA-assigned number
>    sampleObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sampleMib 1 }
>    sampleGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sampleMib 2 }
>    sampleTestPatternMode OBJECT-TYPE
>        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
>                    none(1),
>                    squareWave(2),
>                    prbs31(3),
>                    mixedFrequency(4)
>                }
>        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
>        STATUS  current
>           "A sample object"
>         ::= { sampleObjects 1 }
>    sampleGroup OBJECT-GROUP
>        OBJECTS {
>            sampleTestPatternMode
>            }
>        STATUS  current
>           "A sample object group"
>         ::= { sampleGroups 1 }
>    END
> would be turned into something like this
>            mib-2
>                    FROM SNMPv2-SMI
>            OBJECT-GROUP
>                    FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
>    sampleMib MODULE-IDENTITY
>        LAST-UPDATED "200212232030Z"  -- December 23, 2002
>            ORGANIZATION "[ ... ]"
>            CONTACT-INFO "[ ... ]"
>        DESCRIPTION "A sample standards-track MIB module"
>        REVISION    "200212232030Z"  -- December 23, 2002
>        DESCRIPTION "Initial standards-track version"
>        ::= { mib-2 XXX } -- replace XXX with IANA-assigned number
>    sampleObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sampleMib 1 }
>    sampleGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sampleMib 2 }
>    sampleTestPatternMode OBJECT-TYPE
>        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
>                    none(1),
>                    squareWave(2),
>                    prbs31(3),
>                    mixedFrequency(4)
>                }
>        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
>        STATUS  current
>           "A sample object"
>         ::= { sampleObjects 1 }
>    sampleGroup OBJECT-GROUP
>        OBJECTS {
>            sampleTestPatternMode
>            }
>        STATUS  current
>           "A sample object group"
>         ::= { sampleGroups 1 }
>    END
> with the latter being published as a new MIB module.
> Note that the definitions registered under the experimental
> subtree are not deleted;  the SMI does not permit that (see
> RFC 2578 Section 10).  The STATUS of those definitions
> would, however, most likely be changed to obsolete.
> Note also that this migration is not without cost.  In particular,
> any existing implementations of the experimental MIB module would
> have to be updated to support the new standards-track MIB module,
> because SNMP requests refer to object using their assigned OBJECT
> IDENTIFIER values.  It is probably not a good idea (and may not
> even be practial) to attempt to migrate a MIB module that has
> been widely deployed.
> Proposed remedy:
> Replace the material in 12.3 (d) by the following text:
>      If migration is considered desirable, there is no requirement
>      to remove the old Object Identifier values;  indeed, for objects
>      defined in SNMP MIB modules it is not permissible to do so, nor
>      may such objects be associated with more than Object Identifier
>      value.  Instead, new definitions must be created and registered
>      under the desired Object Identifier tree.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> Additional wordsmithing/comments welcome;  but I think that whatever
> text is proposed for 12.3 (d) ought not to minimize the cost.
> In particular ...
> On Mon, 23 Dec 2002, David T. Perkins wrote:
> > New definitions to "tidy up" most likely have higher costs
> > than what ever benefit they provide.
> I most certainly agree with that.  Especially if the old definitions
> have seen significant deployment in the field.  I've seen some
> discussion along these lines in the IPCDN mail archive, and I hope
> that they keep this in mind.
> //cmh