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Re: RFC 2011 bugs

On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Andy Bierman wrote:
> Someone at work just pointed out to me that the IP-MIB (RFC 2011)
> does not compile.  The INDEX components for the ipNetToMediaTable
> have MAX-ACCESS read-create instead of not-accessible or even read-only.

That was necessary because this MIB module was translated from
SMIv1, and it used the long-obsolete convention of using a
read-write INDEX to indicate a row that could be dynamically
created.  There is a "grandfather" clause [(1) on the top of
p. 29 of RFC 2578] to make this legal.

> I told the dev-group to hack the MIB in order to use it.

They should not need to hack the MIB module if they use the
right switches with SMICng.  There is an include file in the
distribution for this MIB module that already does this (and
you can still download it at http://www.snmpinfo.com/).  I
think that the switch you want is:

#removeOpt "R"

Note that this is not the default, since it's normally assumed
that the grandfather clauses don't apply.

There's probably something like this that you need to do to get the
IP-MIB to compile with smilint, but I don't know offhand what it is.

> What is the policy/process to get this kind of bug fixed?

Although the question is moot in this particular case (because there
is no bug to fix), that's a very good question in the general case.
