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RE: ipsp-policy-pib

On Tue, 6 May 2003, Wijnen, Bert (Bert) wrote:
> Thanks for that info. But I was asking about the PIB (not MIB)
> and specifically about the use of some INET-ADDRESS-MIB TCs.
> This doc has been on agenda for (for Informational) a while and
> basically has been OKed except for me still bitching about
> details. So I wondered if it was just me... or if my worries are
> real

I assume the document you refer to is draft-ietf-ipsp-ipsecpib-07.txt,
which I just downloaded.

> See specifically The ipSecAddressTable
> I am sort of too overloaded to do detailed checking on PIB
> documents. At the other hand... strange things are being
> done as far as I can tell.

OK, I've attached some quick in-line comments on the
ipSecAddressTable below.  It will be interesting to see if we
complain about the same things.


     IpSecAddressEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ipSecAddressPrid InstanceId,
        ipSecAddressAddressType InetAddressType,
        ipSecAddressAddrPrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength,
        ipSecAddressAddrMin InetAddress,
        ipSecAddressAddrMax InetAddress,
        ipSecAddressGroupId TagId

   ipSecAddressPrid OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX InstanceId
     STATUS current
   "An integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of this
     ::= { ipSecAddressEntry  1 }

   ipSecAddressAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX InetAddressType
     STATUS current
   "Specifies the type of IP address.

   While other types of addresses are defined in the InetAddressType
   textual convention, an IP filter can only use IPv4 and IPv6
   addresses directly to classify traffic. All other InetAddressTypes
   require mapping to the corresponding Ipv4 or IPv6 address before
   being used to classify traffic. Therefore, this object as such is
   not limited to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, i.e., it can be assigned
   any of the valid values defined in the InetAddressType TC, but the
   mapping of the address values to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses must be
   done by the PEP at install time. "
     ::= { ipSecAddressEntry  2 }

-- comments:
-- What the DESCRIPTION above is saying (if I read it correctly) is
-- that the Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) has to do a DNS lookup if
-- the address type is dns(16).  However, it's now clear how the rest
-- of the items in the row can be set correctly specified unless the
-- type is already know, i.e., if the name-to-address resolution is
-- already done.  In other words, it's not clear why dns(16) should
-- be allowed here.

   ipSecAddressAddrPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength
     STATUS current
   "The length of a mask for the matching of the IP address specified
   by ipSecAddressAddrMin. This attribute is interpreted only if the
   InetAddressType is 'ipv4', 'ipv4z', 'ipv6' or 'ipv6z'.

   Masks are constructed by setting bits in sequence from the most-
   significant bit downwards for ipSecAddressAddrPrefixLength bits
   length. All other bits in the mask, up to the  number needed to
   fill the length of the address ipSecAddressAddr are cleared to
   zero. A zero bit in the mask then means that the corresponding bit
   in the address always matches.

   In IPv4 addresses, a length of 0 indicates a match of any address;
   a length of 32 indicates a match of a single host address, and a
   length between 0 and 32 indicates the use of a CIDR Prefix. IPv6
   is similar, except that prefix lengths range from 0..128.

   When ipSecAddressAddrMax is not a zero length OCTET STRING, this
   attribute MUST be ignored since a range of consecutive Internet
   addresses is being specified."
     ::= { ipSecAddressEntry  3 }

-- comments:
-- The DESCRIPTION clause needs to specify that this is interpreted in
-- the context of ipSecAddressAddressType.  It is also noted that the
-- InetAddressPrefixLength TC DESCRIPTION clause specifies that only
-- the special value 0 applies in the case of addresses of type dns(16).
-- The definition as it stands suggests that if ipSecAddressAddressType
-- is dns(16) then the PEP would have to look up ipSecAddressAddrMin and
-- determine its type in order to interpret this object.  That is not
-- consistent with the InetAddressPrefixLength TC DESCRIPTION clause.
-- Also, in IPv4 addresses a length of 32 __or greater__ indicates a
-- match of a single host, per TC descr clause (similarly for IPv6.
-- Finally, the usage of ipSecAddressAddrMax to nullify the significance
-- of this object may be problematic (see comments below), and it's not
-- necessary to do that.  Instead interpret this object,
-- ipSecAddressAddrMin, and ipSecAddressAddrMax as specifying a range
-- of prefixes to be matched.  Set this object to 32 or 128 to make a
-- range of individual addresses;  set ipSecAddressAddrMax equal to
-- ipSecAddressAddrMin to use only the "masking" capability.

   ipSecAddressAddrMin OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX InetAddress
     STATUS current
   "Specifies an IP address. If the address type is 'ipv4', 'ipv6',
   'ipv4z' or 'ipv6z' then, the attribute
   ipSecAddressAddrPrefixLength indicates the number of bits that are
     ::= { ipSecAddressEntry  4 }

-- comments:
-- The DESCRIPTION clause needs to specify that this is interpreted in
-- the context of ipSecAddressAddressType.

   ipSecAddressAddrMax OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX InetAddress
     STATUS current
   "If a range of addresses is used then this specifies the ending
   address. The type of this address must be the same as the

   If no range is specified then this attribute MUST be a zero length
     ::= { ipSecAddressEntry  5 }

-- comments:
-- The DESCRIPTION clause needs to specify that this is interpreted in
-- the context of ipSecAddressAddressType.  And if it is interpreted
-- in that context, then the use of a zero-length string to specify
-- "this object is a don't care" seems to be inconsistent with the
-- definition of the InetAddress TC.  This is easily avoided by
-- instead having the value be the same as ipSecAddressAddrMin.

   ipSecAddressGroupId OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX TagId
     STATUS current
   "Specifies the group this IP address, address range or subnet
   address belongs to."
     ::= { ipSecAddressEntry  6 }