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RE: FW: draft-ietf-sigtran-sctp-mib-09.txt - rev 10e included

OK, we'll submit then version10 today,

-----Original Message-----
From: Peterson, Jon [mailto:jon.peterson@neustar.biz]
Sent: jueves, 05 de junio de 2003 1:02
To: 'C. M. Heard'; Javier Pastor-Balbas (ECE)
Cc: Maria-Carmen Belinchon-Vergara (ECE); 'Wijnen, Bert (Bert)'; Mreview
(E-mail); LyOng@ciena.com; mankin@psg.com; shawn.routhier@windriver.com
Subject: RE: FW: draft-ietf-sigtran-sctp-mib-09.txt - rev 10e included

It sounds like it is probably time to submit the document as this stage.
Once version 10 has been published in the I-D repository we can draft any
necessary RFC-ed notes, and then hopefully bring the document forward.

- J

> -----Original Message-----
> From: C. M. Heard [mailto:heard@pobox.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 8:07 AM
> To: Javier Pastor-Balbas (ECE)
> Cc: Maria-Carmen Belinchon-Vergara (ECE); 'Wijnen, Bert 
> (Bert)'; Mreview
> (E-mail); LyOng@ciena.com; mankin@psg.com; jon.peterson@neustar.biz;
> shawn.routhier@windriver.com
> Subject: RE: FW: draft-ietf-sigtran-sctp-mib-09.txt - rev 10e included
> On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Javier Pastor-Balbas (ECE) wrote:
> > All your suggestions has been included. Here is the 10e
> > revision.
> I notice that the Table of Contents still says "Security
> Consideration" but I think that the RFC Editor can fix
> that.  Other than that it looks good to me.
> //cmh