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Example for OID layout appendix in MIB review guidelines

Folks --

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Juergen Schoenwaelder wrote:
> g) Would it be useful to suggest an OID layout which is being used in
>    IETF MIBs unless there is a reason to do something different?
>    [This question got triggered because the document is silent on the
>    question where to register the notification prefix.]
>    I believe a common structure for a FOO-MIB is the following:
>    fooMIB (x.y.z)
>    |
>    +-- fooNotifications(0)
>    +-- fooObjects(1)
>    +-- fooConformance(2)
>        |
>        +-- fooCompliances(1)
>        +-- fooGroups(2)
>    The more controversial thing is probably the usage of fooNotifications
>    but I believe this is a nice and compact solution. (Of course, the 
>    fooConformance intermediate node actually has close to zero value but
>    since this is established practice, we better stick to it.)

It was previously agreed that we'd add a "Suggested OID Layout"
appendix to the MIB review guidelines document to implement this
suggestion.  I am in the process of drafting the text for that
appendix, and I would like to have an example.  The only one at my
fingertips is <draft-ietf-hubmib-power-ethernet-mib-08.txt>.  While
that draft is reasonably stable (IETF Last Call expires today and as
far as I know there have been no comments) and is adequate for the
job (prior publication isn't necessary, as it will only be an
informative reference), I would nonetheless prefer to point to a
published RFC. Can anyone point me to a suitable one?

