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RE: RE: LLDP port ids

Hi Bert,

This discussion is about which is the better IETF object to use in the
Link Layer Discovery Protocol being developed by the IEEE. LLDP will be
a standard mechanism to populate the PTOPO MIB.

I brought the discussion to the mib doctors because I am advising the
IEEE, the answer is obviously unclear, and I am seeking opinions from
other mib doctors.

Can you recommend a better list for my seeking counsel on this?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wijnen, Bert (Bert) [mailto:bwijnen@lucent.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 11:45 AM
> To: CONGDON,PAUL (HP-Roseville,ex1)
> Cc: mreview@ops.ietf.org; mlavine@foundrynet.com
> Subject: RE: RE: LLDP port ids
> [removed those qwho I know to be on mreview list]
> Interesting discussion.
> Can some one tell me which document this topic belongs to?
> And is it appropriate to not feed this discussion into the
> mailing list (group) that actually is working on that 
> document?
> Thanks,
> Bert 