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RE: Guidelines for other SDOs

My (personal) view on it:

- We started this effort mostly because I (as AD) but I think also all of
  us (as MIB reviewers) wanted to achieve:
  - reduce the need to review all sorts of little nits that authors
    can check/fix themselves once we have a guidline.
    So that is to reduce our workload
  - make our reviews more consistent, no matter who is the MIB doctor.
  - improve the quality of MIB documents in general, but specifically for
  - get agreement on some unclear issues

- Once we got the initial document out (iirc feb 2003!) we decided we wanted
  - review from our intended users/customers (specifically wg chairs, mib doctors 
    and MIB authors/editors)
  - experience (test running code) from our own MIB reviews
  - that resulted in several new revisions (each one being better than the
    previous, or so I think).

- I think we are getting close to having the doc in good shape for a BCP for
  how we do MIB work in IETF. And I think it would be good to get that
  out as a stable doc (RFC) rather sooner than later. (I kept the rev 03
  in "AD-evaluation" so it would not expire... not the proper use of the
  ID-tracker, but it works ;-)).

- W.r.t. the use of this doc by other SDOs and enterprises:
  - I agree that it would be good to make the doc as usable as possible by
    other SDOs and enterprises.
  - I would think that it probably would be good to also have some "running code"
    or "running practice" before we would publish an RFC as BCP.
  - It would be good to have such a BCP reviewed by otehr SDOs and enterprises
    to see if they agree and find it usefull as BCP.
  - so that would potentially delay this doc another year ?

So in conclusion, I would prefer
- to finish this asap (as mainly an IETF BCP)
- to add an appendix as suggested by Mike

We can then also (if there is energy) 
- start a new revision that does address the otehr SDOs and Enterprises better
- or do a separate doc for them
- ...

Makes sense?
