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Re: Do we agree on an RFC-Erratum for RFC2578


I suggest that if you change this, then don't just change the
"i.e." to "e.g." (nor just put in "for example").

On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Wijnen, Bert (Bert) wrote:

> [Added Mark, because he brought up the issue I believe, 
>  Added Keith because he is one of the co-editors of RFC2578]
> We've had some discussion about a piece of text in RFC2578 and possible
> clarifying text in the mib review guidelines. We're wondering if
> it is maybe better to clarify the RFC itself via an RFC-erratum.
> So ALL MREVIEW list members, pls speak up and post your opinion:
> RFC2578 sect 7.7. states on page 29:
>   (2)  a conceptual row must contain at least one columnar object which is
>        not an auxiliary object.  In the event that all of a conceptual
>        row's columnar objects are also specified in its INDEX clause, then
>        one of them must be accessible, i.e., have a MAX-ACCESS clause of
>        "read-only". (Note that this situation does not arise for a
>        conceptual row allowing create access, since such a row will have a
>        status column which will not be an auxiliary object.)
> The proposed erratum is to change the "i.e." into an "e.g." because we
> intended to say (for example) in the above text. So it would read:
>   (2)  a conceptual row must contain at least one columnar object which is
>        not an auxiliary object.  In the event that all of a conceptual
>        row's columnar objects are also specified in its INDEX clause, then
>        one of them must be accessible, e.g., have a MAX-ACCESS clause of
>        "read-only". (Note that this situation does not arise for a
>        conceptual row allowing create access, since such a row will have a
>        status column which will not be an auxiliary object.)
> So this makes it clearer that a table that has only auxiliary objects of 
> which one of them has a MAX-ACCESS of accessible-for-notify or read-only. 
> Thanks
> Bert
/david t. perkins