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RE: [802.1] [802.1AB]: Problem with the lldpXdot1RemProtoVlanEntry table inde x


I don't believe the zero usage is the problem, but your mail has been
sent to the RMONMIB WG and the MIB Doctors of the IETF for

I suspect the lldpRemTimeMark (a TimeFilter) is the problem you are
TimeFilters are known to cause infinite loops, depending on how the
GetNext code has been implemented in the agent and manager.
I do not know of any definitive text that explains how to avoid this

The RMONMIB WG is the correct place to discuss this issue, since they
control the definition/interpretation of the TimeFilter.
I believe the RMONMIB WG has chosen to not fix the get-next-forever
problem, because it would impact the advancement of the RMON2-MIB
through the IETF standards advancement process.

The RMONMIB WG considered adding an object that helped to characterize
the "mode" of implementation of an agent, to help solve the problem.
The RMONMIB WG chose to not add this object to the RMON2-MIB, because
it didn't actually fix the problem.
The description may help you to understand the issue and to check the
implementation you are working with.
From the RMONMIB WG archive,

------- archive message #672 --------------

The RMONMIB WG decided at the last IETF that the timeFilter
problem should be fixed.  I am proposing the following MIB object,
should be added to the RMON2-MIB module.  It could either be added to
the probeConfig group or added to a new group.  The MIN-ACCESS of this
object would be read-only.

timeFilterMode OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
        "This object controls the way the SNMP agent implements the
         getnext operation for tables with a TimeFilter index, such
         as those found in the RMON2-MIB module.

         If this object has the value `stopAfterOne(1)', then a
         or GetBulk operation will provide one pass through a given
         i.e., the agent will continue to the next object or table,
         instead of incrementing a TimeMark INDEX value, even if
         there exists higher TimeMark values which are valid for
         the same conceptual row.

         This mode is not strictly compliant with the TimeFilter
         convention definition, because potentially many conceptual
         will be skipped instead of returned in a GetNext or GetBulk
         operation.  Such rows are identical to each other, except for
         the returned TimeMark INDEX value. This mode is intended only
         for testing purposes, however it may also be useful if an NMS
         wishes to utilize the GetBulk PDU. This mode will prevent the
         GetBulk responses from containing duplicate rows due to the
         TimeFilter mechanism.

         If this object has the value `stopAfterAll(2)', then a
         or getBulk MIB walk will repeat through the same MIB table
         the TimeMark for the most-recently changed entry is reached.
         Note that as long as traffic occurs on the monitored
         it is possible a highest value of the TimeFilter INDEX may
         never be reached. This mode is strictly compliant with the
         TimeFilter textual convention definition.  Note that GetBulk
         PDU responses in this mode will likely contain multiple
         of the same MIB instances, differing only in the TimeMark

         As an example, consider row 'fooEntry' which was last updated
         at 'time 1000'. An NMS may use any TimeMark INDEX value in
         range '0' to '1000', and the current (i.e., time of get
         counter values for the 'fooEntry' will be returned by agent.
         In the 'stopAfterOne' mode, the agent will not increment
         the fooEntry TimeMark index under any conditions. In the
         'stopAfterAll' mode, the agent will increment any fooEntry
         TimeMark INDEX value in the range '0' to '999', up until
         the TimeMark value of '1000' is reached."
    DEFVAL { stopAfterAll }
::= { probeConfig 15 }

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: IEEE 802.1 [mailto:hdk-0117.pgqfwd@att.net] On Behalf 
> Of Eelco Chaudron
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 2:35 AM
> Subject: [802.1] [802.1AB]: Problem with the 
> lldpXdot1RemProtoVlanEntry table inde x
> Hi All,
> When implementing the dot1 extension MIB I was running into a 
> problem with
> the lldpXdot1RemProtoVlanTable.
> The table has the following indexes:
>   - lldpRemTimeMark
>   - lldpRemLocalPortNum
>   - lldpRemIndex
>   - lldpXdot1RemProtoVlanId
> The problem lies within the last index, 
> lldpXdot1RemProtoVlanId. This can
> have a value of zero, and would be causing an infinite loop 
> when doing SNMP
> getnext operations.
> To my understanding a SNMP index can never have a value of zero, as
> indicates to SNMP to get the first value.
> How would we hande this? For example not returning entries in the
> lldpXdot1RemProtoVlanTable wich have a vlanid of zero? Or 
> report the zero
> values as 4096?
> Regards,
> Eelco
> IEEE 802.1 list info: 
> http://www.ieee802.org/1/email-pages/etkg1204.html