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Re: When will the updated IPR RFCs be available? (fwd)

FYI, the new IPR RFCs are now published (albeit under different
numbers than previously annonced).  With the recent publication of
RFC 4001 (aka 3291bis) this means that the only normative dependency
on as-yet unpublished documents that remains in the MIB review
guidelines is 2737bis.  -- cmh

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 14:41:34 -0800
From: Bill Fenner <fenner@gmail.com>
To: C. M. Heard <heard@pobox.com>
Cc: IPR WG <ipr-wg@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: When will the updated IPR RFCs be available?

The RFCs are now available.

3978 IETF Rights in Contributions. S. Bradner, Ed.. March 2005.
     (Format: TXT=43574 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC3667) (Updates RFC2026) (Also

3979 Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology. S. Bradner, Ed..
     March 2005. (Format: TXT=41366 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC3668) (Updates
     RFC2028, RFC2026) (Also BCP0079) (Status: BEST CURRENT PRACTICE)
