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RE: MIB template issues

On Thu, 29 Sep 2005, David B Harrington wrote:
> > Ironically, I did try to strictly follow the guidelines in 2223bis
> > when I laid out the sections in the MIB review guidelines doc, and
> > so RFC 4181 has (unnumbered) appendices before the (unnumbered)
> > references.  But I did it all in nroff.  Some time ago Bert floated
> > the idea of converting the guidelines doc into xml2rfc.  Looks like
> > my efforts to follow the published style rules have made that hard.
> 1) s/published style rules/proposed style recommendations/

I stand corrected :-)

> 2) I STRONGLY recommend xml2rfc. XML is being taught in schools; I
> don't know how much nroff is being taught now. If you plan to turn
> over the editorship to others, converting to xml2rfc might give us a
> larger pool of willing potential editors to draw from.

You make it tempting.  The proper thing to do would be to start from
the published RFC, since numerous minor editorial changes were made
during the publication process.  If someone knows of an "rfc2xml" 
tool to assist with that process please let me know.
