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FW: Submission of New Liaison Statement, "NGN Management Focus Gr oup"


-----Original Message-----
From: Apache [mailto:apache@newodin.ietf.org]On Behalf Of Greg Jones
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 18:56
To: bwijnen@lucent.com; david.kessens@nokia.com
Cc: sob@harvard.edu; chair@ietf.org; djsidor@nortel.com;
greg.jones@itu.int; tsbsg4@itu.int; djsidor@nortel.com;
Subject: Submission of New Liaison Statement, "NGN Management Focus

Title: NGN Management Focus Group
Submission Date: 2005-10-18
URL of the IETF Web page: https://datatracker.ietf.org/public/liaison_detail.cgi?detail_id=134 

From: Greg Jones(ITU-T SG 4) <tsbsg4@itu.int>
To: IETF Operations and Management Area(bwijnen@lucent.com; david.kessens@nokia.com)
Cc: sob@harvard.edu; chair@ietf.org; djsidor@nortel.com; greg.jones@itu.int
Reponse Contact: tsbsg4@itu.int
Technical Contact: djsidor@nortel.com
Purpose: For information 
Body: After reviewing and endorsing the report of the NGN Management Focus Group (NGNMFG), Study Group 4 agreed to continue the NGNMFG under the attached terms of reference. More specifically, SG4 agreed the NGNMFG should enhance its primary deliverable, the NGN Management Specification Roadmap, which identifies a set of existing and draft management specifications to support NGN Release 1. The NGNMFG was asked to give particular attention to identifying specification gaps and stimulating the "filling of these gaps" as well as promoting the harmonization of "overlapping" specifications.
Though it is recognized that the current Roadmap (v1.0) needs enhancement, SG4 agreed it warranted broad visibility and thus it has been made available on the public side of the SG 4 web site at the following URL:
It should be noted that the Roadmap currently identifies the specifications of 8 organizations as applicable to NGN management, a practice that is a hallmark of the NGNMFG activities. SG4 recognizes that the development of the Roadmap is dependent on the participation of members of your organization and expresses its thanks for that support.
Any additional participants of your organization that are interested in contributing to NGNMFG activities and also accessing its documentation, are requested to register as indicated at the NGNMFG web site:
<attach TD157Rev1/GEN - NGNMFG terms of Reference v3.1>
     COM 4 aEUR" LS 42 aEUR" E - NGN Management Focus Group (https://datatracker.ietf.org/documents/LIAISON/file185.doc)