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You should not be doing this:

          LAST-UPDATED "200512011200Z"  -- Dec 1, 2005
          ORGANIZATION "Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES)
                        Working Group"
              "Robert Haas (rha@zurich.ibm.com), IBM"
              "This MIB contains managed object definitions for the
              ForCES Protocol, as defined in draft-ietf-forces-protocol-05.txt."
          ::= { mib-2 33 } -- XXX this MUST be changed

See RFC 4181 Sections 3.5.3 and 4.5.  The final paragraphs of those sections
contain the following admonitions:

   Note well:  prior to official assignment by the IANA, a draft
   document MUST use placeholders (such as "XXX" above) rather than
   actual numbers.  See Section 4.5 for an example of how this is done
   in a draft MIB module.


   Note well:  prior to official assignment by the IANA, a draft
   document MUST use a placeholder (such as "XXX" above) rather than an
   actual number.  If trial implementations are desired during the
   development process, then an assignment under the 'experimental'
   subtree may be obtained from the IANA (cf. Section 4.3).

We really did mean it!

FWIW, { mib-2 33} is assign to the UPS MIB (RFC 1628).

