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Pls review documents on IESG Agenda for January 5, 2006

MIB doctors,
as always, pls review and send any comments to me before
Thursday Jan 5th noon (GMT). Sooner is better.

Thanks, and all the best for 2006!

-----Original Message-----

2. Protocol Actions
	Reviews should focus on these questions: "Is this document a
	reasonable basis on which to build the salient part of the Internet
	infrastructure? If not, what changes would make it so?"

2.1 WG Submissions
2.1.1 New Item
  o draft-ietf-pkix-acpolicies-extn-07.txt
    Attribute Certificate Policies extension (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 4 
    Token: Russ Housley
  o draft-ietf-mmusic-comedia-tls-05.txt
    Connection-Oriented Media Transport over the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 
    Protocol in the Session Description Protocol (SDP) (Proposed Standard) - 2 
    of 4 
    Note: PROTO shepherd Colin Perkins csp@csperkins.org 
    Token: Allison Mankin
  o draft-ietf-imss-fc-nsm-mib-05.txt
    Fibre-Channel Name Server MIB (Proposed Standard) - 3 of 4 
    Token: Bert Wijnen
  o draft-ietf-imss-fc-fam-mib-03.txt
    Fibre Channel Fabric Address Manager MIB (Proposed Standard) - 4 of 4 
    Token: Bert Wijnen

2.1.2 Returning Item

2.2 Individual Submissions
2.2.1 New Item
2.2.2 Returning Item

3. Document Actions

3.1 WG Submissions
	Reviews should focus on these questions: "Is this document a reasonable
	contribution to the area of Internet engineering which it covers? If
	not, what changes would make it so?"

3.1.1 New Item
  o draft-ietf-tsvwg-mlpp-that-works-02.txt
    Implementing an Emergency Telecommunications Service for Real Time Services 
    in the Internet Protocol Suite (Informational) - 1 of 2 
    Token: Allison Mankin
  o draft-ietf-sipping-consent-reqs-03.txt
    Requirements for Consent-Based Communications in the Session Initiation 
    Protocol (SIP) (Informational) - 2 of 2 
    Note: PROTO shepherd Rohan Mahy rohan@ekabal.com 
    Token: Allison Mankin

3.1.2 Returning Item
  o Two-document ballot:  - 1 of 1
     - draft-ietf-mpls-oam-requirements-07.txt
       Operations and Management Requirements for Multi-Protocol Label Switched 
       Networks (Informational) 
       Note: ITU requires an RFC number by December 12th. 
     - draft-ietf-mpls-oam-frmwk-05.txt
       A Framework for MPLS Operations and Management (OAM) (Informational) 
    Token: Alex Zinin

3.2 Individual Submissions Via AD
	Reviews should focus on these questions: "Is this document a reasonable
	contribution to the area of Internet engineering which it covers? If
	not, what changes would make it so?"

3.2.1 New Item
  o draft-savola-mtufrag-network-tunneling-05.txt
    MTU and Fragmentation Issues with In-the-Network Tunneling (Informational) 
    - 1 of 3 
    Note: Pekka says that it is ready, and that I should review the int-area 
    discussions, particularly Joe's objection. 
    Token: Mark Townsley
  o draft-songlee-aes-cmac-03.txt
    The AES-CMAC Algorithm (Informational) - 2 of 3 
    Token: Russ Housley
  o draft-jennings-sip-voicemail-uri-05.txt
    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URIs for Applications such as Voicemail 
    and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) (Informational) - 3 of 3 
    Token: Allison Mankin

3.2.2 Returning Item
  o draft-jones-avt-audio-t38-05.txt
    Real-Time Facsimile (T.38) - audio/t38 MIME Sub-type Registration 
    (Historic) - 1 of 1 
    Note: Last Called to Historic for the same reason audio/t140c was - allow 
    registration of a "legacy" because of the way SDP uses these 
    registrations,A'  but make sure this is not a precedent in any way. 
    Token: Allison Mankin

3.3 Individual Submissions Via RFC Editor
	The IESG will use RFC 3932 responses: 1) The IESG has not
	found any conflict between this document and IETF work; 2) The
	IESG thinks that this work is related to IETF work done in WG
	, but this does not prevent publishing; 3) The IESG thinks
	that publication is harmful to work in WG  and recommends
	not publishing at this time; 4) The IESG thinks that this
	document violates the IETF procedures for  and should
	therefore not be published without IETF review and IESG
	approval; 5) The IESG thinks that this document extends an
	IETF protocol in a way that requires IETF review and should
	therefore not be published without IETF review and IESG approval.
	Other matters may be recorded in comments to be passed on
	to the RFC Editor as community review of the document.

3.3.1 New Item
  o draft-bberry-pppoe-credit-04.txt
    PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE) Extensions for Credit Flow and Link Metrics 
    (Informational) - 1 of 1 
    Token: Mark Townsley

3.3.2 Returning Item