Mail Thread Index
- Still on mreview,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Testing, testing,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Moving mreview,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- FW: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for July 20, 2006 Telechat,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- WGLC announcements for MIB documents,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- MIB training slides - add info about template document,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- MIB Training slides used yesterday at IETF66,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- Routing requirements draft,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Disman to conclude? (waS: RE: [Disman] RFC 4560 on Definitions of Managed Objects for RemotePing, Traceroute, and Lookup Operations),
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- FW: Documents on Agenda for July 6, 2006 IESG Telechat,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- FW: [Tsvwg] WGLC for draft-ietf-tsvwg-tcp-mib-extension-10 starts NOW,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- FW: MIB Dr. Review of draft-ietf-vrrp-unified-mib-05.txt,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- EDU session for MIB documents editors,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Draft Agenda (v1) for the Operations & Management Open Area Meeting IETF64,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Call for Reviewers:,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- FW: I-D ACTION:draft-persson-v6ops-mib-issue-00.txt,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- FW: I-D ACTION:draft-harrington-text-mib-doc-template-00.txt,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- FW: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for June 22, 2006 Telechat,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- A Template for Documents Containing a MIB Module,
David B Harrington
- Question on style of deprecating objects and tables,
- [ I-D ACTION:draft-schoenw-snmp-ether-00.txt],
Juergen Schoenwaelder
- Approval of the 'Transferring MIB Work from IETF Bridge MIB WG to IEEE 802.1 WG' document as Informational RFC,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Re: DISCUSS: draft-ietf-imss-fc-vf-mib (fwd),
Keith McCloghrie
- RE: [Gen-art] RE: REVIEW: draft-ietf-imss-fc-vf-mib-02.txt,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- RE: REVIEW: draft-ietf-imss-fc-vf-mib-02.txt,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- (second) Call for a volunteer to review,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- EDU session in Montreal,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Documents on Agenda for June 8, 2006 Telechat,
David Kessens
- FW: Last Call for the ifType References table (was: RE: IfType re ferences),
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: FW: Last Call for the ifType References table (was: RE: IfTyp e references),
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- Call for a volunteer to review,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Last Call for the ifType References table (was: RE: IfType references),
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- RE: Review for the EPON-04,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- FW: UPDATED Agenda and Package for May 25, 2006 Telechat,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- IfType references,
Dave Thaler
- FW: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for May 25, 2006 Telechat,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Mike MacFaden,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: XML2RFC template for MIB modules,
David B Harrington
- MIB EDU training in Montreal,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: MIB EDU training in Montreal,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: MIB EDU training in Montreal,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- RE: MIB EDU training in Montreal,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: MIB EDU training in Montreal,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: MIB EDU training in Montreal,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: MIB EDU training in Montreal,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: MIB EDU training in Montreal,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- IF types durring review of EPON-04,
David T. Perkins
- Review of EFM-04 I-D (fwd),
David T. Perkins
- FW: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for May 11, 2006 Telechat,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- (second) Request for review - draft-ietf-ips-isns-mib-09.txt,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- FW: Last Call: 'Link Management Protocol (LMP) Management Informa tion Base (MIB)' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-ccamp-rfc4327bis),
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- Request for review - draft-ietf-ips-isns-mib-09.txt,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- No fee SMICng license,
David T. Perkins
- Support for XXX OID value,
David T. Perkins
- Time to Revise the TC list,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Time to Revise the TC list,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: Time to Revise the TC list,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- RE: Time to Revise the TC list,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: Time to Revise the TC list,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: Time to Revise the TC list,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- GGF Wiki Page,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Late submission for the IESG telechat this week,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- RE: [ippm] Review of: draft-ietf-ippm-reordering-12.txt,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
Review of: draft-ietf-ippm-reordering-12.txt,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
FW: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for April 27, 2006 Telechat,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
Last Minute item on the IESG Agenda,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
RE: review for: draft-ietf-ospf-mib-update-09.txt [was RE: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for April 13, 2006 Telechat ],
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
FW: Last Call: 'MIB for Fibre-Channel's Fabric Shortest Path First Protocol' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-imss-fc-fspf-mib),
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
FW: Last Call: 'Fibre-Channel Routing Information MIB' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-imss-fc-rtm-mib),
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
RE: review for: draft-ietf-ospf-mib-update-09.txt [wasRE: PRELIMI NARY Agenda and Package for April 13, 2006 Telechat ],
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
RE: review for: draft-ietf-ospf-mib-update-09.txt [wasRE: PRELIMI NARY Agenda and Package for April 13, 2006 Telechat ],
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
RE: review for: draft-ietf-ospf-mib-update-09.txt [wasRE: PRELIMI NARY Agenda and Package for April 13, 2006 Telechat ],
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
RE: review for: draft-ietf-ospf-mib-update-09.txt [wasRE: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for April 13, 2006 Telechat ],
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
review for: draft-ietf-ospf-mib-update-09.txt [wasRE: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for April 13, 2006 Telechat ],
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
FW: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for April 13, 2006 Telechat,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
page headers in I-Ds,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
RE: Please review documents on IESG agenda for March 30, 2006 Telechat,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
Please review documents on IESG agenda for March 30, 2006 Telecha t,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
THANK YOU to the MIB Doctors,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
RE: Pls check and comment: draft-ietf-mboned-msdp-mib-01.txt (Exp erim ental),
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
jabber log from our MIB Doctor Lunch Meeting,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: jabber log from our MIB Doctor Lunch Meeting,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- RE: jabber log from our MIB Doctor Lunch Meeting,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: jabber log from our MIB Doctor Lunch Meeting,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: jabber log from our MIB Doctor Lunch Meeting,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- RE: jabber log from our MIB Doctor Lunch Meeting,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
Pls check and comment: draft-ietf-mboned-msdp-mib-01.txt (Experim ental),
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
FW: [members] Public Review of WSDM-MUWS v1.1 and WSDM-MOWS v1.1,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
Update: MIB Doctor lunch meeting on Tuesday 21 Mar 11:45 in room MIRO,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
MIB Doctor lunch meeting on Tuesday 21 Mar,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
Volunteer for MIB Doctor review of: draft-ietf-magma-mgmd-mib-08. txt?,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
SNMP/MIB text in draft-ietf-tcpm-tcp-roadmap-06.txt acceptable?,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
Pls review documents on IESG agenda for March 16,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
MIB Doctors lunch meeting at IETF65; Tuesday Mar 21st,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
FW: Last Call: 'Transferring MIB Work from IETF Bridge WG to IEEE 802.1 WG' to Informational RFC,
David B Harrington
FW: Last Call: 'Transferring MIB Work from IETF Bridge WG to IEEE 802.1 WG' to Informational RFC,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
Document on todays IESG agenda: draft-ietf-tsvwg-diffserv-service -classes-02.txt (Informational RFC),
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
Please review documents on IESG Agenda for March 2, 2006 Telechat,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
Please review documents on IESG Agenda for February 16, 2006,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
MIB Doctor Last Call on 2 RADEXT MIB documents,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
RE: Pls check some review pieces of: draft-ietf-ipsp-spd-mib-04.t xt,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
Pls check some review pieces of: draft-ietf-ipsp-spd-mib-04.txt,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
FW: [Fwd: Request for L2CP BOF],
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
defining an OID for a scalar Instance,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
oops: Help getting CAPWAP MIB doc plan started,
David T. Perkins
Help getting CAPWAP MIB doc plan started,
David T. Perkins
Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
Andy Bierman
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
David T. Perkins
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
Juergen Schoenwaelder
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
C. M. Heard
- RE: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
David B Harrington
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
Andy Bierman
- Re: MIB checkers,
David T. Perkins
- Re: MIB checkers,
Juergen Schoenwaelder
- Re: MIB checkers,
Andy Bierman
- Re: MIB checkers,
C. M. Heard
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
C. M. Heard
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
Andy Bierman
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
David T. Perkins
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
Harrie Hazewinkel
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
C. M. Heard
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
Harrie Hazewinkel
- Re: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
C. M. Heard
- RE: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- RE: Target times for MIB Doctor Review,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
RE: Floating points in MIBs,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
Please review documens on IESG Agenda for January 19, 2006,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
SNMP over Ethernet,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- Re: SNMP over Ethernet,
Juergen Schoenwaelder
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: SNMP over Ethernet,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- RE: SNMP over Ethernet,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
- RE: SNMP over Ethernet,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- RE: SNMP over Ethernet,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
- RE: SNMP over Ethernet,
Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)
FW: LS from ETSI TISPAN WG8 to IETF O&M area,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
IESG agenda document: draft-ietf-tsvwg-mlpp-that-works-02.txt,
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
FW: Internal WG Review: Recharter of Security Issues in Network E vent Logging (syslog),
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
FW: Internal WG Review: Recharter of Security Issues in Network E vent Logging (syslog),
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
RE: Internal WG Review: Recharter of Security Issues in Network E vent Logging (syslog),
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
Internal WG Review: Recharter of Security Issues in Network Event Logging (syslog),
Wijnen, Bert (Bert)
Retiring as MIB Doctor,
C. M. Heard
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