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Re: Pls check and comment: draft-ietf-mboned-msdp-mib-01.txt (Experim ental)
On Tue, 21 Mar 2006, Wijnen, Bert (Bert) wrote:
> I am reviewing a Experimental draft
> draft-ietf-mboned-msdp-mib-01.txt
> I wonder if MIB doctors have comment on this doc and/or on
> my evaluation as per below.
> Thanks,
> Bert
> --------- draft evaluation by Bert:
> I see:
> msdpSACacheEntry OBJECT-TYPE
> SYNTAX MsdpSACacheEntry
> MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
> STATUS current
> "An entry (conceptual row) representing an MSDP SA
> advertisement. The INDEX to this table includes
> msdpSACacheOriginRP for diagnosing incorrect MSDP
> advertisements; normally a Group and Source pair would be
> unique.
> Row creation is not permitted; msdpSACacheStatus may only be
> used to delete rows from this table."
> The way to express that last sentence is in the MODULE-COMPLIANCE
> with an entry aka:
> OBJECT msdpSACacheStatus
> SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), destroy(6) }
> "Row creation is not permitted; msdpSACacheStatus may only be
> used to delete rows from this table."
I disagree.
The above compliance statement says that an agent is only required
to implement the values active(1) and destroy(6).
It does not say that row creation is not allowed.
If the authors want to say that row creation is not allowed (and
will never be allowed), then writing the row object DESCRIPTION
clause as they had it is one right way to do that.
Another way would be to put the above SYNTAX clause on the
msdpSACacheStatus object definition.