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RE: IfType references

At the request of Dan, I have massaged the table a little bit
and put it online at:


I have not checked it for correctness yet.
So I have not yet made it public (linked from main ops web page).
I did notice that iana-iftype-mib in fact could use some updates
in the comments w.r.t. the ifTypes 6, 7, 11.

Only for the 1st entry have I now added a clickable link to the RFC.
If we find this table usefull, we should check it is correct, I can
add more clickable links, and then we can make it public. Maybe IANA
can even point to it as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-mreview@ops.ietf.org [mailto:owner-mreview@ops.ietf.org]On Behalf Of Dave Thaler
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 21:58
To: mreview@ops.ietf.org
Subject: IfType references

(Hoping people can read HTML mail.)
Below is a table of IETF-specified ifType values and the references for them.
Values not in the table below should be assumed to be vendor proprietary
(assuming I didn't miss some, which is possible).
5transmission.5RFC 1382RFC1382-MIBrfc877x25(5),
6transmission.7RFC 3635EtherLike-MIB ethernetCsmacd(6), -- for all ethernet-like interfaces, regardless of speed, as per RFC3635
7transmission.7RFC 3635EtherLike-MIB iso88023Csmacd(7), -- Deprecated via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
9transmission.9RFC 1748TOKENRING-MIBiso88025TokenRing(9),
11transmission.7RFC 3635EtherLike-MIB starLan(11), -- Deprecated via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
15transmission.15RFC 1285RFC1285-MIBfddi(15),
16transmission.16RFC 1381RFC1381-MIBlapb(16),
18transmission.18RFC 3895DS1-MIBds1(18),            -- DS1-MIB
19transmission.18RFC 3895DS1-MIBe1(19),             -- Obsolete see DS1-MIB
20transmission.20RFC 2127ISDM-MIBbasicISDN(20),
21transmission.21RFC 2128DIAL-CONTROL-MIBprimaryISDN(21),
23transmission.23RFC 1471PPP-LCP-MIBppp(23),
30transmission.30RFC 3896DS3-MIBds3(30),            -- DS3-MIB
31transmission.31RFC 1304RFC1304-MIBsip(31),            -- SMDS, coffee
32transmission.32RFC 2115FRAME-RELAY-DTE-MIBframeRelay(32),     -- DTE only.
33transmission.33RFC 1659RS-232-MIBrs232(33),
34transmission.34RFC 1660PARALLEL-MIBpara(34),           -- parallel-port
38transmission.38RFC 1461MIOX25-MIBmiox25(38),
39transmission.39RFC 3592SONET-MIBsonet(39),          -- SONET or SDH 
44transmission.44RFC 2954FRNETSERV-MIBframeRelayService(44),  -- FRNETSERV-MIB
45transmission.45RFC 2020DOT12-IF-MIBv35(45),
46transmission.46RFC 2320IPOA-MIBhssi(46),
47transmission.47RFC 3020FR-MFR-MIBhippi(47),
48transmission.48RFC 4319HDSL2-SHDSL-LINE-MIBmodem(48),          -- Generic modem
49transmission.49RFC 3498APS-MIBaal5(49),           -- AAL5 over ATM
53rmon.22 RFC 2613SMON-MIBpropVirtual(53),    -- proprietary virtual/internal
56transmission.56RFC 4044FC-MGMT-MIBfibreChannel(56),   -- Fibre Channel
62transmission.7RFC 3635EtherLike-MIB fastEther(62),      -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
67transmission.18RFC 3895DS1-MIBg703at2mb(67),      -- Obsolete see DS1-MIB
69transmission.7RFC 3635EtherLike-MIB fastEtherFX(69),    -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
81transmission.81RFC 2494DS0-MIBds0(81),            -- Digital Signal Level 0
82transmission.82RFC 2494DS0BUNDLE-MIBds0Bundle(82),      -- group of ds0s on the same ds1
94transmission.94RFC 2662ADSL-LINE-MIBadsl(94),           -- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
95transmission.95RFC 2271L2TP-MIBradsl(95),          -- Rate-Adapt. Digital Subscriber Loop
97transmission.97RFC 3728VDSL-LINE-MIBvdsl(97),           -- Very H-Speed Digital Subscrib. Loop
117transmission.7RFC 3635EtherLike-MIB gigabitEthernet (117), -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3  ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
127transmission.127draft-ietf-ipcdn-docs-rfmibv2-14.txtDOCS-IF-MIBdocsCableMaclayer (127),  -- CATV Mac Layer
131transmission.131RFC 4087TUNNEL-MIBtunnel (131),       -- Encapsulation interface
132transmission.132RFC 2325COFFEE-POT-MIBcoffee (132),       -- coffee pot
146transmission.146draft-ietf-ipcdn-dvbinaif-mib-00.txtDVB-CABLE-INA-IF-MIBdvbRccMacLayer (146), -- DVB-RCC MAC Layer
200transmission.200RFC 4220TE-LINK-STD-MIBteLink (200), -- TE Link
215transmission.131RFC 4087TUNNEL-MIBsixToFour (215), -- 6to4 interface (DEPRECATED)
227transmission.227RFC 4327LMP-MIBlmp (227), -- Link Management Protocol
228transmission.228RFC 4069VDSL-LINE-EXT-SCM-MIBcblVectaStar (228), -- Cambridge Broadband Limited VectaStar
229transmission.229RFC 4070VDSL-LINE-EXT-MCM-MIBdocsCableMCmtsDownstream (229), -- CATV Modular CMTS Downstream Interface
230transmission.230RFC 4369IFCP-MGMT-MIBadsl2 (230), -- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop Version 2