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Re: policy support [was Re: load-balancing]

On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 08:14:00AM +0859, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> > if they are not, then the wannabe wg should move from the ops area to some
> > place that wants to indulge in fantasy.
> They are irrelevant.
> The problem is the size of global routing table increased by
> multihoming, regardless of whatever the requirements for
> multihoming are.
> The goal is to suppress the size of global routing table.

Actually, the goal is to best serve customers.  This means we wish to
maximize the level of service offered, whether through redundant links
to improve connectivity, multiple links to distribute load, or what 
ever reason floats your boat.  In turn, we wish to minimize the stress
on the network infrastructure as this allows network operators to 
increase the useful life of their equipment while reducing the chances
of outages due to limits in existing protocols and architectures.

Please keep always in the front of your mind that we are dealing with
real networks carrying real traffic for real customers.  We simply do
not have the luxury of dictating to them.  It tends to reduce their
willingness to provide economic satisfaction.
