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Re: administrivia (on avoiding injury)

>>>>> "Antonio" == Antonio Querubin <tony@lava.net> writes:
    Antonio> The wording captures one primary benefit of multihoming for the end-user
    Antonio> and distinguishes it from the separate and to me quite likely more
    Antonio> difficult reach requirement of maintaining connectivity for existing
    Antonio> sessions.  Perhaps the latter could be made a separate but

  Yes, I agree that splitting up the problem is a good idea. If we wind up
with a solution to both, okay. If it is the same mechanism, bonus.
  If we wind up with one problem solved then we will at least make some progress. 


  I keep wondering if mobileip can someone help for that situation.

  The problem that I see is that, as the link is down, who will send the
updates? The end-system could do that if the packet could get through, but if 
the packet could get through then there wouldn't be a problem.
  I imagine that I am not the first to think about this!

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