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Re: scope of solution..

Why is it a good idea to involve the hosts in a site as part of the
multi-homing solution?

If this WG decides to involve the hosts as part of the multi-homing for
IPv6, to what extent will they be involved.

My own inclination is to support multi-homing at the router level and do
not require anything other than a basic default route for most hosts.


On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:

> one of Margaret Wasserman's notes talked about the solution coming
> from either "the routing system" or "the hosts".
> Since we're talking about *site* multihoming, there are (at least)
> three scopes here:
>  - the routing systems of the ISP's outside the site
>  - the routing system within the site
>  - the hosts within the site.
> A scalable multihoming solution could involve some form of
> coordination between the site's routers and the site's hosts..