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Re: An idea: GxSE

> On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, Paul Francis wrote:
> > > the beginning of the connection. Renumbering can happen always after
> > > that so that your peer does not know your new address. Am i missing
> > > something ?
> > >
> > 
> > yeah.  GxSE does not try to bind to new addresses that appear after a
> > connection is already established.  New prefixes cannot be used by old
> > connections.  I don't think maintaining connections in the face of new
> > prefix assignments is a very important problem to solve.  It won't happen
> > *that* frequently, and overlapping being-added prefixes and being-deleted
> > prefixes for a time will suffice for all but the longest-lived connections.
> To reiterate for you, Mohan, we're not taling about mobility.  We're
> talking about large-scale changes, not one or two hosts, but thousands of
> hosts.  If a new prefix is added, it doesn't affect a few hosts, it
> affects a large subnet.
Sure. I was only trying to draw an analogy i.e Mobile IPv6 which i am
familiar with. Are you saying that we are not interested in solving
the above mentioned problem ?
> I'm hoping Paul and Alain remember who I am, but I don't think I've ever
> met you, Mohan.  I'm Jon Mischo (nickname is Taz) from Motorola's Advanced
> Network Technologies group.  Anyway, I'm involved in ROHC, somtimes in
> TSVWG (for SCTP) and used to be involved in Seamoby and Sigtran (also for
> SCTP).  Mobile IP greatly impacts my world (for better or for worse) due
> to the nature of our work.  I'm also a fan of Nuclear War :P Oh, and Alain
> gets mad when I read and edit drafts in the back of his WG meetings, so
> don't do that, he doesn't like it ;)  Introductions out of the way.  As
> usual, I digress...so back to the point.
> Mobile IP handles the case of a host moving around on a network.  Here
> we're addressing the issues of a network moving around on a backbone and
> in address space.  What we're trying to solve for here is how to keep a

When you are moving around, you are getting new prefixes and the old
prefixes will not be valid after sometime. (The difference between
this and mobility is that the old prefix is considered to be valid
in mobility)

> host unaware that there have been sweeping network changes, including its
> own address, while still giving it the ability to operate as if nothing
> happened, with confidence that its sessions aren't being hijacked.
What do you mean by keeping the host unaware ? Does it mean that
you don't want the renumbering event to be known to the end hosts ?
It will be known without which it can't configure new addresses.
So, i am missing something.


> And Paul...I'm working on a reply to your previous email...just have to
> think about how to say it best.
> -Taz
> -- 
>         "Be liberal in what you accept,
>       and conservative in what you send."
> --Jon Postel (1943-1998) RFC 1122, October 1989