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Re: Provider Independent addressing usage
>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Li <tli@Procket.com> writes:
Tony> I think a very important question is about whether or not exchanges are
Tony> part of the natural economically incented growth of the Internet. What
Tony> we've seen in the US is that they made some sense for awhile, but that
Tony> private interconnect is drawing the traffic away. One then has to
Is this because the exchanges are unprofitable, they fail to scale, or is
it due to concentration of ownership?
It seems that exchanges are of greater benefit when there are many ISPs,
while bilateral agreements are easier when there are fewer players.
Tony> The meta point here is that whatever architecture is selected, it needs to
Tony> operate with the natural economic order. Otherwise carriers and customers
I'm not sure the the US marketplace is a very good example of "national
economic order" due to legacy of monopoly telco. At this point, we get into
] ON HUMILITY: to err is human. To moo, bovine. | firewalls [
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