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RE: comments on requirements draft

> >3.1.4 Policy
> >
> >   A customer may choose to multihome for a variety of policy reasons
> >   outside technical scope (e.g.  cost, acceptable use conditions, etc.)
>            ^
>            the?
> >   For example, customer C homed to ISP A may wish to shift traffic of a
> >   certain class or application, NNTP, for example, to ISP B as matter
> >   of policy.  A new IPv6 multihoming proposal must provide support for
> >   multihoming for external policy reasons.
> Inbound only?  Outbound only?  Both?  This requirement seems excessive
> to me, e.g., if end systems ESP encrypt their traffic, how can the
> network recognize NNTP traffic?

Perhaps it may be interesting to distinguish between internally initiated
comunications (comunications iniiated by a host from the MH site) and
externally initiated comunication (comunications initated by a host not
belonging to the MH site)
