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Re: A new spin on multihoming: multihoming classes.
>>>>> "Michel" == Michel Py <py_michel@yahoo.com> writes:
Michel> Let's divide multihoming into two classes:
Michel> - Entreprise class.
Michel> - user class.
Let's be more precise here:
- Ruling lords (aka "servers")
- serfs (no, not "surfs") (aka "clients")
This is not peer to peer/end-to-end.
It totally fails to provide for the very large number of organizations
that in the IPv4 world do not do BGP with anyone because the barrier to entry
is too high for IPv4. They would like not to be held hostage by the ISPs.
Michel> - User class is for home/soho setups that dual home
Michel> both to DSL and cable (example). These users might be
Michel> given dynamically assigned IPv6 addresses or prefixes
Michel> and are in potentially very large numbers. These users
These users are right now given two IPv4 addresses (one from each).
Typical usage is now to have two web proxies talking ICP to each other,
each running on a gateway that has its default route pointing at the
appropriate network. NAT for the real network, and screw IPsec, VoIP, and
anything else that is really peer-peer.
Given a bit of competition on the DSL market, one can usually find at
least one static IP, often two if you realize that cable operators just use
DHCP for configuration (until very recently). Thus, 2x IPv6 /48s via 6to4 are
immediately available to these organizations (including my "soho").
We are not yet at 1 computer per household member, but in middle class
families, we are getting close. Add in PDAs and gameboys via household
bluetooth or 802.11, and I do not see how the "client/server" scenario you
propose makes any sense.
] ON HUMILITY: to err is human. To moo, bovine. | firewalls [
] Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON |net architect[
] mcr@sandelman.ottawa.on.ca http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/ |device driver[
] panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [
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