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Re: A new spin on multihoming: multihoming classes.

--On Wednesday, September 5, 2001 9:53 -0700 Michel Py 
<py_michel@yahoo.com> wrote:

> - Entreprise class is for companies that receive a BGP
> feed from two different TLAs and have been allocated a
> centrally managed multihomed block of IPv6 addresses.
> These entreprises run mission-critical web servers
> with large pipes to the Net and want 99.999%
> availability and global load sharing among their
> different connections.
> The multihoming solution for entreprise class must be
> contained at the network or internet layer. My
> personal submission to entreprise class is:
> http://arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us/draft-py-multi6-mhtp-01.txt

There is a class of sites for which all addresses are likely not created 
equal:  those with connectivity to both the commodity Internet and 
high-performance research and education networks.  For these sites, 
DNS-based solutions might not prove adequate because applications or even 
pairs of hosts expect to talk only over the high-performance networks; 
falling back to the commodity network isn't an option; it indicates failure 
of the connection.


| Michael H. Lambert, Network Engineer           Phone: +1 412 268-4960 |
| Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center               FAX:   +1 412 268-8200 |
| 4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA  15213       lambert@psc.edu        |