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Re: A new spin on multihoming: multihoming classes.


>>>>> "Pekka" == Pekka Savola <pekkas@netcore.fi> writes:
    Pekka> On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, Michel Py wrote:
    >> This is true, but keep in mind that a bad solution is better than no
    >> solution. There are people that don't want to adopt IPv6 today because
    >> there is no multihoming solution.

    Pekka> I'd like to disagree.  I think, for most people, this is just a _good
    Pekka> excuse_ not to adopt IPv6; they really don't want to yet, as there is
    Pekka> little incentive other than being on the cutting edge, and preparing for
    Pekka> the days when clients start to enable IPv6.

    Pekka> There are ways if people _really_ wanted to get to IPv6.  For example, get
    Pekka> multihomed IPv4 connectivity and run tunnels over each of them.

  Ah, that's the rub.
  Getting multihomed IPv4 connectivity is a lot harder than getting IPv6.
  (Believe me. I've been involved in getting the groundwork layed in place at
multiple mid-sized regional ISPs in order to convince the powers-that-be to
allocate an AS#)

  In my talking with these ISPs, they see essentially no reason for them to
risk any of their network to deploy IPv6. Particularly since 6to4 lets their
customers do it whenever the customer wants. The customers mostly do not care
about IPv6 either, but they wish they could multihome themselves easier. Most 
have multiple xDSL and 10Mb ATM VCs, but have all sorts of hacks to permit
them to make the most use of the bandwidth and redundancy.

  This is why I object to any solution that has different classes. Nearly
every single one of these ISPs went from stack of {SCO,Solaris,Xylogics,BSDi}
and modems plus T1 to OC-3+,etc. The customers went from "soho" operations
with a single high-end Sparc 2 or 486 to racks and racks of equipment. I
think that this is the story of the rest of the Internet as well. 

]       ON HUMILITY: to err is human. To moo, bovine.           |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] mcr@sandelman.ottawa.on.ca http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/ |device driver[
] panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy");  [

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