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Re: A new spin on multihoming: multihoming classes.

On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Michael Richardson wrote:

>   Getting multihomed IPv4 connectivity is a lot harder than getting IPv6.
>   (Believe me. I've been involved in getting the groundwork layed in place at
> multiple mid-sized regional ISPs in order to convince the powers-that-be to
> allocate an AS#)

Strange, I've never had much trouble getting an AS# from RIPE.

> customers do it whenever the customer wants. The customers mostly do not care
> about IPv6 either, but they wish they could multihome themselves easier. Most
> have multiple xDSL and 10Mb ATM VCs, but have all sorts of hacks to permit
> them to make the most use of the bandwidth and redundancy.

So then if we can come up with a good multiple addresses / host
multihoming scheme, it might be worth the trouble to see if we can get it
to work on IPv4 too.

Or why stop there. Let's make something that runs over both IPv6 and IPv4
at the same time.