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RE: Provider Independent addressing format drafts

itojun wrote:
> 	I believe we end up having 2^44 routes in the routing
> system with
> 	the PI address allocation.  are there any magic I'm missing?
> 	examples given in the drafts did not convince me at all.

Yes you are missing the point. The magic is that you only have the /48
over a given region, so you are really talking about O 2^20 or so. If
that is too big the region needs to be split up with additional

> 	I don't think it workable for highly populated area
> (think of NY, tokyo,
> 	whatever), where skyscrapers make hundreds of companies
> to share the
> 	same geographical location.

Please provide a specific example rather than spread FUD. If you read
through the doc high rise buildings are specifically addressed in the
