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RE: (multi6) requirements draft comments
> From: "Christian Huitema" <huitema@windows.microsoft.com>
> Isn't it the case that, in order to maintain optimality in the face of
> a graph change, you have to entirely revisit your aggregation
> structure, which would be akin to renumbering the Internet?
First, you'd only have to renumber if you wanted to to maintain absolute
optimality. Since absolute optimality produces a routing table of size
e*ln(N), i.e. as I mentioned before a 60 entry routing table for a 10^8 node
network, somehow I don't think we have to maintain absolute optimality!
Second (and this is really irrelevant, given the point above, but in true
routing-graph-theory-geek style I mention it for completeness) I expect that
the vast majority of connectivity changes in a graph can be handled with a
renumbering over a scope that's less than global.