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updated text SCTP Multihoming issues
Thanks for all the commentaries received so far.
The only remaining issue was the text of of paragraph 2.3 "SCTP multihoming
and the size of routing tables"
This is the new version.
As multihoming means that more than one destination address is used
on the host, that would mean that a routing descision must be made
on the host in IP. The host does not know beforehand to which other
host it is going to send something, so that would in theory require
that all possible paths to all possible destinations should be known
on that host. This amounts to the host being a part of the
distribution of the routing information in the network.
Possible solutions would require to ask only for the paths to host
that are actually in use(meaning a association is about to be setup
with that particular host). This is a viable solution for hosts with
a small number of associations to different hosts.
If the host has many associations with a lot of different host then
then this becomes cumbersome(getting the specific paths from the
routers and the updates and all) and leads in practice to same
problem of distributing prefixes from the edge router(s) to the
It might be useful to explore ways where no distribution of routing
information to the host for using multihoming is needed or where the
interface/link selection is not based on the use of different
prefixes. Not all hosts have facilities for containing possible
large routing tables/databases.
The document draft-coene-sctp-multihome-02.txt can be found at:
Suggestion, clarification, corrections, are welcome.
I'll publish the updated(-03) draft wednesday 20/02/02
Yours sincerly,
Siemens atea
atealaan 34 2200 Herentals, Belgium
E-mail: lode.coene@siemens.atea.be
Tel: +32-14-252081
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