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Re: multihomed host

>>> "Bill" == Bill Sommerfeld <sommerfeld@east.sun.com> writes:

    Bill> For what  it's worth, I've occasionally heard  the term used
    Bill> in  an application-layer  context to  refer to  hosts having
    Bill> multiple  IP addresses rather  than/in addition  to multiple
    Bill> interfaces.

This  just  looks like  the  degenerate  case  -- multiple  addresses,
multiple  interfaces,  except that  each  of  the multiple  interfaces
happen to  be the  same. It seems  to me  that the network  layer code
should treat both cases identically. Does this make sense?

William Waites <ww@styx.org>
Idiosyntactix Research Laboratories	Any sufficiently advanced technology
http://www.irl.styx.org			is indistinguishable from a rigged demo.